Requirements and STandard development


A company that complies with the requirements of the Product certification scheme is granted the RHP certificate. Certification applies for companies that want to sell products with RHP quality mark.

Certification of sites and products

A company can apply for certification for products which are excavated or produced at one or more RHP sites. At least one product has to be linked to an RHP site, for which certification has been requested. At a later stage, possibly certification can be requested for more products, which can be linked to an existing certified RHP site. Certified companies can always report new sites for certification.

Products that are not linked to a site, can not be certified. Sites to which no products have been linked, also cannot be certified. The certificate is granted per site and per product.

Product certification scheme

Companies, that work according to the requirements from the Product Certification Scheme RHP quality mark, are allowed to carry the RHP quality mark for a product for which they are qualified. The quality mark applies for:

  • substrate producers,
  • substrate suppliers,
  • excavation- and production sites of raw materials in homeland and abroad,
  • storage and transhipment sites and
  • logistic processes.

Requirement development

The product certification scheme RHP quality mark contains the requirements with which the RHP certified products must comply. The scheme consists of several modules. The development of standards, as well as the contents and the level of the quality mark, come into existence by the concern of the following parties:

  • Product groups
  • Technical Committee RHP
  • Central Board of Experts

Performance by Certifying Body

The certification of company and products is performed by a Certifying Body (CI) which has been accredited for the RHP scheme. The CI and auditors have to comply with the requirements concerning knowledge, experience and material expertise. Expert assessment of processes, raw materials and products are extremely important, as it concerns product certification at the RHP quality mark.

Withdrawal RHP certification

If the requirements from the product certification scheme are not observed, then it is possible that the RHP certificate is withdrawn. Withdrawal of a certificate occurs by the Certifying Body according to the applicable procedure of the Certifying Body. Products originating from a rejected or not reported site may not be traded with RHP quality mark.

Application product certification scheme

You can download the contents of the product certification scheme RHP. The product certification scheme RHP is available for €225,-. You will then receive the schedule solely for your own use; it is not allowed to distribute or share this. If you want to order the scheme or do you have questions / remarks, please contact Martine Holtkamp, Managing Director RHP, telephone number: +31 174 - 62 03 60.

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