The RHP registration module for product samples

RHP manages the registration module Hermes. All necessary data you fill out here to send a product sample for analysis to external laboratories. The sample is then given a unique characteristic which has to be written on the bag containing the product sample and has to be attached to the bag using a printed document, before the sample is sent to the laboratory.

Questions about Hermes? Please send an email to: Ruth Sjoukes

The RHP database for the valuation of analysis results

RHP manages the database Minerva. This database evaluates the analysis results of product samples. These agreements have been made for the processing of these results:

  • Analyses are sent in with RHP code and location code for the traceability. Without these data, no processing can take place.
  • The lab will send the data to Minerva within 48 hours after closing the test.
  • Minerva processes the analysis results within 24 hours.

Reanalysis or reassessment? 5 tips to avoid mistakes. 
Questions about Minerva? Mail to: minerva@rhp.nl

Downloads for certified companies

Employees of certified companies can request a personal account for My RHP with their business email address. Download documents for RHP certification, from the RHP Toolbox, the product certification schemes of the quality marks RHP and RAG, RHP sample forms, replay videos of RHP-webinars, logos and much more here. Auditors of certification bodies, accredited laboratories and companies with B or BE products can also get (limited) access to My RHP.

Haven't got a personal account yet? Please register here.
I have an account, but I forgot my password.
Questions about My RHP? Please send an email to: Barbara Zeelenberg

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