RHP explanatory video about water uptake velocity substrates

26 april 2018

The WOK analysis developed by RHP provides insight in the water uptake velocity of substrates. This can rather differ per substrate. It is important to know this value in order to choose an optimally appropriate substrate for a culture. Watch this in the new RHP explanatory video.

WOK represents Water Uptake Characteristic. The WOK analysis helps substrate producers to produce a substrate mixture that is most appropriate for the way of watering by the grower. A substrate that quickly takes up water, also better distributes water and nutrients in the pot ball.

Especially at consciously dry cultures or cultures with a flood and drain system, a quick and easy water uptake of the substrate is very important. It prevents problems with unequal moisture circumstances of individual plants and contributes to an equal crop development.

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Check the Knowledge base for more information about WOK.

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