Training and harmonisation day for auditors quality marks RHP and RAG

10 may 2024

On 24 April, RHP organised the annual training and harmonisation day for auditors of the RHP and RAG quality marks. During this meeting, RHP's certification coordinator and technical advisors updated the inspectors of the Certification Bodies. They discussed the new modules, standards and points of attention from the updated product certification schemes.

Interpretation of new standards

It is important that auditors who carry out inspections at certified companies interpret the new modules and standards correctly and all in the same way. For this reason, the product certification schemes of the quality marks RHP and RAG were jointly reviewed. Among other things, attention was paid to modules for the new products plugs (RHP), topsoil substrate (RAG) and spent substrate (RHP Consumer).

Bijscholings- en harmonisatiedag voor auditoren van de keurmerken RHP en RAG

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