RHP introduces animation about clean, RHP-certified growing media

7 december 2020

Minimise risks of culture damage, choose the world’s most stringent quality mark for growing media: the RHP quality mark. In this animation, the European knowledge centre for growing media explains in a few minutes why RHP-certified growing media are clean and safe for your culture. Quality of growing media matters.

The world’s most stringent quality standard 

The RHP quality mark is considered the world's most stringent quality standard for the growing media industry, also phytosanitary. The RHP quality mark requires full control of production processes in order to effectively exclude possible contamination in the supply chain. This unique quality control system offers growers the – most as possible – security that the growing media are clean. For an optimal start of the culture.

RHP-certified products

The RHP-certified products are produced by national and international leading substrate companies that have set up their production processes in accordance with the RHP standards. For plants and crops, the substrate in which they are grown is a major factor in their health. One way to contribute to the prevention of plant diseases and pests which affect (ornamental) crops, is to start the culture with clean, RHP-certified substrate.

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