RHP explanatory video about measuring stability substrate components

27 february 2018

RHP adjusted the respiration method especially for analysing substrate components. This method gives insight into the stability of organic substrate components and whether these are suitable for application in an RHP substrate. With this test, RHP measures the biological activity in order to qualify the substrate components. See for yourself in this RHP explanatory video.

RHP developed this test especially to research whether substrate components are suitable for application in an RHP substrate. Organic materials can be sensitive to decomposition. During this decomposition process, oxygen is used by soil organisms. The extent to which oxygen is used is presented in the respiration value. A high respiration value means that the product is instable.

Instable components do use the oxygen that the plant needs and can cause problems in the structure of the substrate. Subsequently a too dense structure causes unbalance in the supply of oxygen and nutrition to the plant. Substrate that comply with the requirements for respiration, remain stable in the culture and constitute a balanced basis for the growth of plants. The respiration method is also used to measure the stability of tree substrates.

The footage of this RHP explanatory video is recorded at or comes from RHP, grower D.C. van Geest and the RHP certified companies Dutch Plantin and Van Iersel.

More information?

Take a look at the Knowledge base for more information about the respiration method.

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