5 points of notice when sending in samples

29 september 2017

An unnecessarily disapproved sample or analysis results that take very long? That is usually not necessary! With these 5 points of notice you can make sure that RHP can treat your sample as quickly as possible and in the right way for research and assessment.


Only use the newest send in forms when sending in your samples. This reduces the chance of errors. You can download these sending forms from My RHP. Fill in the send in form as completely as possible, to make sure that you give all the necessary information and RHP can process the sample immediately. When the sample is also sent in for examination and the chosen research requires specifications, it is necessary to fill these in as well.

Tip: you can fill in a pdf file digitally in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click the tab Tools and then choose the button Fill & Sign. Wherever you click in the pdf, you can then type in a text box. To manage your sampling plan efficiently, yo can fill in the pdf digitally, save it, email it and print it.  


If possible attach the send in form to the sample and state on the bag clearly (and inerasably) your company name and identification, so that it is clear to RHP which form belongs to which sample. If the sample consists of multiple bags, state this in the remarks section on the form to prevent a sample from being processed twice.

RHP afgifte monsters


When requesting the nitrogen fixation test, RHP will also need the information of a ‘3x substrate moisture analysis’. If you have an analysis report ‘3x substrate moisture analysis’ of the sample to be sent in, send this along with the form. If these details are not availabe, RHP will send in the sample for a ‘3x substrate moisture analysis’.

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