European standard for plugs nearly final after RHP workshop

13 november 2023

RHP, knowledge centre for substrates, gave an online workshop on plugs November 1st, after which the European standard for this product can be finalised. Participants in the workshop were among others companies that produce plugs and are in the process of achieving RHP-certification and laboratories that will soon implement the new method.

The workshop was organised at the request of CEN (the European Committee for Standardization) in Brussels. In the workshop the developers of the method, Catarina Chemetova and Gerrit Wever, demonstrated to the participants how to determine the volume of plugs, according to the European plug standard in development. Participants learned in detail how to perform the method themselves. The experiences of the participants during the workshop were important to make the final changes to the draft standard.

RHP workshop plugs
RHP workshop plugs

The volume of plugs is necessary to properly measure and evaluate physical and chemical properties of plugs. The physical and chemical properties of plugs are essential for a good result when growing young plants.

RHP workshop plugs

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