Development Responsibly Produced Coir initiated

12 may 2023

More than fifty international stakeholders attended the hybrid meeting on the development of Responsibly Produced Coir (RPC) on 10 May. RHP facilitated this kick-off at the Dutch event location KAS in Woerden.

The day was all about gathering the input, expertise and vision of the stakeholders on Responsibly Produced Coir (RPC). Main focus was the incorporation of the correct definition of ‘sustainable production’ as well as all the necessary sustainability issues that play a key role in the coir production chain.


Chairman of the day was Merthus Bezemer from GTC+. Martine Holtkamp, Managing Director of RHP, opened the stakeholder meeting with an introduction. Then Koen van der Hurk (Dutch Plantin), Elise Wieringa (Royal Lemkes), Nata Markovic (Ikea), Jacques Wolbert (Growers United) and Jeroen Oudheusden (Floriculture Sustainability Initiative) took the attendees through the chain of production and use of growing media in general and coir in particular and the importance of sustainability and responsible production in this.

Brainstorm and discussion

After the presentations, a discussion with all attendees started via a brainstorm session to outline the first rough frameworks for Responsibly Produced Coir. Among other things, the relevant themes for responsible production have been identified. The visions that have been shared about the usefulness and necessity of the development of such a certification scheme and the different insights into how to do this, are extremely valuable and will form the starting point for further development.

Martine Holtkamp RHP
Koen van der Hurk Dutch Plantin
Elise Wieringa Royal Lemkes
Nata Markovic Ikea
Jacques Wolbert Growers United
Jeroen Oudheusden FSI
RPC stakeholder meeting
RPC stakeholder meeting
RPC stakeholder meeting
Martine Holtkamp RHP

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