Brigit den Bakker completes internship at RHP

16 junE 2023

Brigit den Bakker has finished her internship for graduation at RHP. She did research into the availability of calcium in new growing media. How does the Inholland-student look back on the past 4 months and what is her next step?

RHP wanted to gain more insight into the availability of calcium (Ca) in new growing media (based on renewable raw materials). This is important because new growing media often have a low availability of calcium, while calcium is necessary for the growth of the plant. Calcium will therefore have to be administered additionally. Brigit analysed the possibilities.


Brigit: "The research shows that lime does not bring extra calcium into solution. Clay already does this a little more. Gypsum and calcium nitrate bring calcium into solution immediately in the beginning, to a degree that without treatment is achieved later in cultivation. All in all, a good result."


When Brigit started at RHP, she had a positive impression of her workplace. Looking back on her internship weeks, Brigit says: "I have experienced my internship period as positive. At the beginning, I quickly started preparing for the research. If I needed help, there was always someone to help me on my way. The course of the research was also good and I have learned a lot. A good atmosphere and nice people to work with."


Her diploma for Horticulture and Agri business is now almost in her pocket. First she has to defend her research at school and then she has vacation. "I'm going on a holiday to Denmark first. After that, I will start as a researcher at Delphy in August."

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