knowledge Day Substrate 12 April dedicated to new growing media

3 february 2023

'Safe transition to new growing media; raw materials, composing and applying them in the culture'. That is the theme of the Knowledge Day Substrate that RHP and Wageningen University & Research are jointly organising on 12 April 15:30-20:00 CET in the World Horti Center in Naaldwijk (The Netherlands).

Cultures on substrate are increasing in importance worldwide, as a basis for high-yielding and low-emission cultures. At the same time, the Dutch growing media industry (and partly also Western Europe) has decided to switch to sustainable raw materials (the covenant Environmental impact potting soil and substrates, 18 November 2022). Of course, growers, substrate manufacturers and research are already intensively looking for renewable raw materials. A market is beginning to develop that offers both new risks and opportunities.

Wageningen University & Research and RHP, the knowledge centre for substrates, are organising the 8th Knowledge Day Substrate in the World Horti Center in Naaldwijk, The Netherlands. Speakers give (in Dutch) their vision and outline opportunities to further develop substrate (systems). In addition to the presentations, there is plenty of time for discussion and networking during the breaks and during the buffet. The Knowledge Day is open to all interested parties and focuses on specialists from potting soil companies, composters, producers of basic materials and services, suppliers of substrate technology, fertiliser manufacturers, consultants and suppliers of growing media systems.

Costs and registration

Participation in the Knowledge Day Substrate (Dutch presentations) costs 150 euros per person. This includes a dinner buffet. For more info and registration click here

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